Child Travel Consents

At this time of year, almost every other enquiry that I receive is about child travel consents.

The requirements for these can be vague but the general rule is that if a child is travelling without one or both parents, then it is sensible to travel with a consent to travel granted by the absent parent(s).

This child travel consent should be notarised and may need to be Apostilled

I draft the consent to travel for you unless you are using a statutory form provided by the border agency for the country to which you are travelling or, by the airline/travel company.

The documents that I will need from you will include;

  • Parent’s passports
  • Parent’s proof of address
  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Child’s passport

If the child is travelling with another adult, then we will include their travel document details.

Finally, I will need dates and details of travel.

It may take a few days to put a travel consent in place and if an Apostille is needed, this takes an additional three working days.  So, don’t leave this to the last minute.

If you wish to discuss your child’s travel consent, then you can call me for a free chat on 07783410196 or email me at